~ How to reach us ~

From Milan Tangenziale EST(east):
At the barrier, direction Lecco-Vimercate , (the road finishes at Carnate-Usmate) continue on the statale ( state road) towards Lecco. You will arrive at Calco at the only traffic light (on the right you will see a bar, and on the left a newspaper stand and gelateria) turn left in the direction Como-Svizzera ( Switzerland ). At the fourth stoplight, you are in Perego.

From Milan, Milano-Lecco freeway: Direction, Lecco, exit statale Como-Bergamo, turn right, direction Bergamo.Continue straight on until you arrive in Perego.

From Lecco, Milano-Lecco freeway: Direction Milan, exit statale Como-Bergamo, turn left, direction Bergamo. Continue straight on until you arrive in Perego.

From Como, statale Como-Bergamo: Direction Bergamo, straight on until Perego.

From Bergamo, statale Como-Bergamo: Direction Como, straight on until Perego.

Once in Perego, follow our signs, turn right towards centro paese (downtown). The second left, via Roma, follow the road, via Montegrappa, all the way up to the top. At the crossroads, turn left on via S. Pietro , go down to the bottom and turn right on via Peschiera, go all the way up. You can park you car here and continue the rest of the way ( 300 meters ) on foot. Go down via Curone, a gravel road, and you will see the Ratta farmhouse on your left. Immediately after the house you will find a little parking lot. You have arrived at n. 7. From the stoplight, it is only three minutes.


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